Michael Myatt
Senior Mechanical Engineering Licensee/Project Manager, Principal
Originally from Antigonish, Mike spent his youth as an avid runner and competed provincially in both track and field and cross country. Once graduating from St. FX Mike moved to Halifax to attend NSCC and was involved in both minor hockey and ball hockey for several years. After meeting his beautiful wife and starting their family his enjoyment became spending time watching his two boys participate in soccer, track and field, and cross country. While his family was in youth sports, he spent time coaching both soccer and athletics while assisting managing teams.
As time has passed, he has developed a passion for biking and enjoys travelling. It is likely that you would see both him and his wife with their two bikes strapped to their car looking new places to cycle across the Atlantic provinces.
Mike is an avid sports fan, and you will find him parked in front of his TV every Sunday watching his beloved Denver Broncos play.